Is silk pillowcase effective for hair?

If you haven't yet understood the benefit of getting a silk pillowcase then you're in the right place!

First of all, let's go back to where we started. What is hair used for?
Hair is used for many things but also to beautify us and/or to seduce us and that is why over the years man has created the hairstyle system.

What is hairdressing?
Hairstyle is one of, if not the most important element in an outfit. On the occasion of an outing, you can put on your most beautiful dress, your most brilliant jewelry and the latest fashionable pumps, if the hairstyle does not follow, you will not show the best image of you.

And what should you do to have beautiful hairstyles?
A beautiful hairstyle starts with proper hair care. Hair in poor condition is the best way to mess up your hairstyle and take double the time to do it.

But how do you get good maintenance for your hair?
Treating your hair well is a beauty secret well kept although it is a very popular subject. People tend to believe that applying a simple hair mask once a week will be enough to give good results, however it is quite different.

silk is a very smooth material that does not damage the hair

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In reality, the secret is that there are several. Moreover, one of these secrets is less obvious than all the others and that is sleep . No, I'm not talking about a full night's sleep or going to bed at 10 p.m., although rest is also a beauty secret. Here I'm talking to you about what you rest your head on for 8 hours a day, almost 3000 hours a year and a third of your life, I'm talking about your pillowcase.

So that's why we're here, to help you choose the ideal pillowcase for the health of your hair .

In addition, you will especially need a silk satin pillowcase.

PLEASE NOTE : satin is not a material but a weaving technique


First of all, silk is a very smooth material which does not damage the hair; on this fabric your hair slides and therefore does not get stuck, which avoids unpleasant frizz.

A fabric as smooth as this will also allow you to keep your blow-dry or other hairstyle in good condition , not unpleasant when you have gone to the hairdresser and you do not want to damage your new hairstyle.

Unlike cotton, hair will not cling to silk, which will avoid tangling your hair and getting large knots that are painful to undo in the morning.

Fewer tangles mean saving time in the morning and less daily pain when brushing your hair. You can even forget to brush your hair, no one will see it.

And of course, having a silk satin pillow radically reduces hair loss and also the risk of damaging your hair , therefore hair breakage and split ends.

Also, thanks to its composition, silk absorbs very little of the moisturizing products that you put on your hair, whereas with a cotton pillowcase your hair will be dry, tangled and electric because cotton absorbs a lot. .

Finally, the amino acids* contained in silk will nourish your hair and make it more supple , soft and shinier in just a few days without the need to add moisturizing products.

* Amino acids are unit molecules which, combined in a precise order, will form proteins which will provide nutrition to the skin, hair and nails.

Now, let's talk about “momme”...

Depending on the number of momme, the product will be more resistant , thick and qualitative then depending on the product, it will need more or less momme. For a pillowcase you will need between 19 and 25 momme, lower than that the pillowcase will no longer be considered “ quality ” and will therefore not have good durability.

And then, it is not insignificant to remember that silk is the most resistant fabric and therefore switching to a silk pillowcase is a long-term investment , unless you do not treat it of course. Likewise, it is almost wrinkle-free, because yes, silk creases but very little and it even tends to smooth out the wrinkles on its own, a big advantage if you don't like ironing your sheets.

Assuming that you were convinced by this article but unfortunately you already like your cotton sheet combinations that took you time to develop and you no longer want to invest in this area (at least for the moment), in the meantime you can turn to the silk cap , ideal for keeping your hair safe from damage caused by cotton and also for protecting your blow-dry or your beautiful curls.