Our labels

At Emily’s Pillow, we pride ourselves on offering you high-quality products made from 100% organic silk. And because we are committed to building a relationship of trust with you, we have searched for renowned labels that certify the quality of our products as well as our social and environmental commitment.

We are very proud to introduce and explain three labels that we have obtained by working hand in hand with our suppliers.

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The GOTS certification

GOTS, which stands for "Global Organic Textile Standard," represents a certification standard for organic textile products such as silk. Conducted by independent organizations, this international label offers a reliable guarantee of quality, ethics, and sustainability.

On the environmental front, the GOTS label stands out for its multiple requirements. It demands a minimum of 70% of fibers from organic farming and advocates for the absence of chemicals, as well as the reduction of water and energy consumption.

On the social front, the label aligns with the standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO), prohibiting child labor, forced labor, discrimination, and promoting fair and safe working conditions.

Taie d'oreiller en soie - Emily's Pillow

The Oeko-Tex Label

In simple terms, this label assures you that our products are free from harmful substances to health.

Oeko-Tex 100 stands out as a trusted international label. Whether it's synthetic fibers, natural materials, dyes, embellishments, or accessories such as buttons and embroideries, each component of our textile products undergoes rigorous control.

Oeko-Tex 100 also embodies an ecological label. The final product is free from pesticide residues and heavy metals such as lead or cadmium. Additionally, strict criteria are established for color stability and wash resistance, highlighting the commitment to environmentally friendly textile production.

Taie d'oreiller en soie - Emily's Pillow

The ISO 9001 Certification

The ISO 9001 standard is a globally recognized standard aimed at optimizing your satisfaction, making it an essential framework for continuous improvement. By choosing to work with ISO 9001 certified suppliers, we ensure that we are working with partners who are committed to their employees and the relationships we build with them. Additionally, this standard ensures high-quality monitoring and production to ensure that you are fully satisfied with our products. This certification is issued by a recognized independent body, which guarantees the validity of the certification process.