The silk pillowcase versus the cotton pillowcase

I'm sure like the majority of the population, you too used cotton pillowcases during your childhood. Maybe you still use some.

And if you read this blog, it’s probably because you are interested in alternatives. Like a silk pillowcase for example.

In this blog, we will make a comparison of these two materials for a perfect pillowcase. We will therefore discuss the different advantages and characteristics of the silk pillowcase alongside the advantages of a cotton pillowcase as well as its characteristics.

1 – Let’s talk about the origin of its materials

Let's talk about cotton

Cotton is plant material from the cocoon of the cotton plant called Gossypium. The cotton fiber is soft and fluffy to the touch.

It is a fairly abundant common material, cotton manufacturing is widespread throughout the world.

According to historians, cotton was first cultivated around 7,000 years ago in America and Central Asia. We can also point out that the Egyptians, 3000 years ago, cultivated cotton known for its high quality.

Today, the largest producers of cotton fiber are India, the United States and Pakistan.

Emily's Pillow - The silk pillowcase versus the cotton pillowcase

What is the process to obtain quality cotton fabric, for example making a pillowcase.

After the cotton bolls are harvested in the fall, the cotton fibers are separated from the seeds and any debris that may have stuck. Then finally comes the spinning stage, in order to create sewing threads or fabrics directly.

Once all these steps are completed, cotton can be used to make a wide variety of products, such as clothing, towels, sheets, blankets, tablecloths and much more.

And the silk in all that

Mulberry silk is also a natural fiber. But this does not come from a plant like cotton fiber. Silk comes from the caterpillars of the butterfly called Mulberry Bombyx. Caterpillars shape silk threads in their chrysalis before becoming butterflies.

The cultivation of silk has been known for 5000 years, a little shorter than that of cotton. Silk production began in China which is still one of the largest producers of high quality silk in the world.

Silk is a high-end and rare material, because the making of its fiber comes from a more complex process than that of cotton.

To produce silk, butterfly caterpillars are raised in mulberry trees, where they are fed mulberry leaves, which are their only food source. Once the caterpillars have woven their cocoons, they are harvested and boiled so as not to damage the silk fiber. The silk threads are then unwound, washed and treated to remove impurities and knots before being spun into continuous threads which can be woven into silk fabrics.

So the two fibers come from natural materials. Cotton is a more widespread and common material. While silk is a precious and rare material.

Now let's compare the effects of silk and cotton on the skin.

Because yes, the pillowcase is in contact with your skin all night long. Which represents 8 to 7 hours per day. The material therefore affects your skin and its radiance.

2 - Effects on the skin

Let's start with the cotton pillowcase

Cotton has absorbent effects in fact, it allows you to absorb your excess sebum or humidity for example. Which can be useful if you have oily skin. But on the contrary, if you have combination or dry skin, cotton can irritate your skin or even cause dry skin. It can also be noted that the moisture retention capacity of the cotton pillowcase can lead to a significant proliferation of bacteria as well as a proliferation of dust mites.

The cotton pillowcase must be washed once or twice a week to avoid this problem.

The absorption capacity of cotton also has the effect of absorbing care products that you may put on your skin before sleeping. For example, your night cream, cotton pillowcase will significantly reduce its effectiveness.

Cotton is a pleasant material, but is not extremely soft. That is to say, the different frictions that cotton generates when in contact with the skin all night long. This friction creates micro-bonds on the skin and promotes the appearance of acne.

soie vs coton - The silk pillowcase versus the cotton pillowcase

The silk pillowcase and its effects on the skin

Silk is a very soft natural material. Unlike cotton, silk is known for its extreme softness. Friction is therefore almost non-existent. The silk pillowcase therefore does not cause micro-bonding on the skin during the night.

As a result, your break is smooth when you wake up thanks to the protection the silk pillowcase provides all night long.

Silk has the particularity of being hydrophobic unlike cotton which is an absorbent material. This allows you not to blot the products that you can put on your skin and to optimize their effectiveness. In addition, it is important to emphasize that silk is a natural fiber that contains several proteins that are beneficial to the skin. They are particularly recognized for their healing and regenerating properties.

Silk has natural antimicrobial properties that help kill acne-causing bacteria and prevent skin infections.

Additionally, silk also has antifungal properties, which may be beneficial for people suffering from acne caused by yeast.

Silk, a miracle for skin and hair

3 - Effects on hair

The effects that the cotton pillowcase can have on the hair.

As we said previously for the effects on the skin. Cotton is an absorbent fabric, which means it can absorb moisture from your hair, leaving your hair dry and brittle, ultimately causing frizz and hair damage.

Cotton is a material that lacks slip unlike silk which has a smooth texture, cotton tends to snag hair which can cause hair damage. Which can lead to friction, as cotton is a rough fabric and can cause friction with your hair during the night, which forms knots during the night and makes the hair more brittle and split ends.

soie vs coton - The silk pillowcase versus the cotton pillowcase

Now let's talk about silk

The smooth surface of silk can help reduce frizz and tangles in the hair, which can prevent breakage and hair damage .

Silk is soft and slippery unlike cotton, which reduces friction with the hair. This can help prevent hair breakage and split ends.

The major benefit of sleeping on a silk pillowcase is that hairstyles are preserved as the hair glides across the smooth surface of the pillowcase rather than rubbing against the rough fabric which can undo curls and waves.

Silk is truly an ally for your hair , there are only advantages to choosing a silk pillowcase

taie d'oreiller en soie Emily's Pillow - The silk pillowcase versus the cotton pillowcase

4 - The practicality of the two materials

Cotton pillowcases are easy to care for and clean, as they can be machine washed in warm water with standard detergents. And cotton pillowcases are also often more affordable than silk pillowcases, making them more accessible.

The silk pillowcase is more fragile than a cotton pillowcase. We must take the greatest care. First of all, the silk pillowcase should be washed inside out so as not to damage its softness. Additionally, you should wash it in the washing machine on the gentlest setting. Or by hand for the bravest. The silk pillowcase is also more expensive than a classic cotton case.
But this is justified because silk is a noble material with many qualities.

To finish

You may have noticed that sleeping on a silk pillowcase has many more advantages than sleeping on a cotton pillowcase. First of all for the skin, but also for the hair.

But we can also emphasize that the silk pillowcase is an investment that will allow its user to benefit from its benefits during the night.

You will not be disappointed, I assure you. Say goodbye to your cotton pillowcase.